How to get your authorization tokens
This can be found on your Startbutton Dashboard. Go to your ‘Account Settings’ page and tap on API keys to view, generate, or copy your token.
How to set your redirect_url
Go to your ‘Account Settings’ page and tap on API keys, then click edit to set a redirect_url
How to add your webhook_url
Go to your ‘Account Settings’ page and tap on API keys, then click edit to add a webhook_url
Payout request
Get payouts in your local currency by making a payout request via your Startbutton business dashboard. We are working on automating payouts and recurring payments.
Currency conversion
On your Startbutton dashboard, you can convert the collected funds to any of the following currencies; USD, KES, GHS, NGN, or ZAR. We convert at the most favorable market FX rate.
How long does it take for a transaction to move to “abandoned” status?
Minimum of an Hour.
Can the Paystack URL for Bank transfers open in an iframe?
Yes, it can.
Can I provide more than 1 settlement account?
Yes, you can.
Why is my ledger balance, different from my available balance
When a transaction is initiated & verified, the money will only reflect on your ledger balance until it is settled then it reflects on both your available balance and ledger balance.
What is the list of available statuses and their meaning?
“initiated” means the transaction has been initiated.
“pending” means the transaction has been acknowledged
“verified” means the payment has been received and verified by the payment processor.
“successful” means we have been settled by the payment processor and the funds are now in your available balance.
“abandoned” means the transaction was initiated, but never completed.
“failed: means the transaction attempted to be completed but failed.
For GHS Pay-in & Pay-out, what are the supported providers?
MTN, Airtel & Vodaphone. But for payout, the users don’t need to pass a provider.
Are callbacks sent for failed Collections?
There are no callbacks, however, you receive a message when the transaction fails and the status of the transaction changes to FAILED. Alternatively, you can get the status of the transaction by calling the TSQ endpoint
What do webhooks collection.verified
and collection.completed
event means the payment (collection) has been validated & pending settlement. (This applies to currencies that the settlement timeline isn’t instant)- e.g currencies like KES & ZAR take T+3 & T+2 respectively. While the collection.completed
event means the payment is "verified" and "successful." Until a transaction is successful, it isn't ready for payout (meaning it will only be added to your ledger balance). But once it is successful it is settled and added to your available balance. Also note, verified transactions count as successful transactions, but they are just pending settlement. So we advise giving value to customers when transactions are in verified status. For more details on settlement timelines, check the Currencies and Settlement Times page.
Last updated